Nightwish: texty

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Burning Flames' Embrace

Walking towards the night... The flames once burnt inside
Back then I was alive when the fire walked by my side
The screaming fire burnt the leaves of mine and left the ashes of divine
All the leaves contained my name The shadows took them and carried away

Firewalk, I want to feel it again... Dance on the flames, does it feel the
Tears of blood, they burn my face... I want to feel the burning flames'

Autor: a - Tuesday, 07.10. 2008 - 16:54:26
(Zobrazit celý článek | 1563 bytů | 6 komentářů | Hodnocení: 0)
The Crow and the Warrior

Once in the silence of the woods
In the shadows of a crescent moon

The eyes scan the beautiful nocturne
The ears enjoy silent songs
"I have seen things and heard talks
Thy eyes are blind and ears deaf to

Words carried in the nightly breeze
Images in the autumnal grass"
Once in the silence of the woods
Under the spiral of oaken branches

Autor: a - Tuesday, 07.10. 2008 - 16:36:57
(Zobrazit celý článek | 1477 bytů | 9 komentářů | Hodnocení: 0)
Only dust moves...

Distress has found a dwelling place in me
already pale as death but still I bleed
For promises have shown their fragility
spare me your affection and pity

The world no longer is a joyfull dream
but a crystal with darksome glean
About to fall
Soon be shattered
One shared for every emotion dead
I will rather learn to enjoy misery
than partake a life of hypocrisy

Autor: a - Tuesday, 07.10. 2008 - 16:24:33
(Zobrazit celý článek | 1307 bytů | 5 komentářů | Hodnocení: 0)
Red Light in My Eyes part II

Pulling the last cry - I was alive
While I'm down in my hatred, weird reich
My god has set you on fire
The day and the darkness light your way

When we reached this final dusk
Then bring me fire and insanity
The cold-blooded eyes are showing butterflies
They dance in the fire insane...
in Your fire
God's with me
Fire - come with me
Fire - Your fire...

Autor: a - Tuesday, 07.10. 2008 - 16:18:47
(Zobrazit celý článek | 1527 bytů | 6 komentářů | Hodnocení: 0)

Who's there knocking at my window?
The Owl and the Dead Boy
This night whispers my name
All the dying children

Virgin snow beneath my feet
Painting the world in white
I tread the way and lose myself into a tale

Come hell or high water
My search will go on
Clayborn Voyage without an end

Autor: a - Sunday, 05.10. 2008 - 19:20:23
(Zobrazit celý článek | 1040 bytů | 6 komentářů | Hodnocení: 0)
88 článků (18 stránek, 5 článků na stránku)
[ 1 | 2 | 3 ]
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Nejlepší album Nightwish?

Angels Fall First
Over The Hills And Far Away
Century Child
Dark Passion Play

Další ankety

Účastníků: 1606
Komentářů: 19


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