For The Heart I Once Had

Heaven today is but a way
To a place I once called home
Heart of a child, one final sigh
As another love goes cold

Once my heart beat to the rhythm of the falling snow
Blackened below, the river now flows
A stream of molten virgin snow

For the heart I'll never have
For the child forever gone
The music flows, because it longs
For the heart I once had

Living today without a way
To understand the weight of the world
Faded and torn, old and forlorn
My weak and hoping heart

For the child, for the light
For the heart I once had
I'll believe and foresee
Everything I could ever be

For the heart I'll never have
For the child forever gone
The music flows, because it longs
For the heart I once had

Time will not heal a Dead Boy's scars
Time will kill

For the heart I'll never have
For the child forever gone
The music flows, because it longs
For the heart I once had

Publikováno: Sunday, 05.10. 2008 - 14:44:55 Od: a
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