Spinning round in my head
How I regret everything that I said
Why did I tell you to go
Saving my pride but losing my soul
I'm here all alone
Still wait by the phone
The hours go by
What else could I do but to cry
I call and I call
Just to make things right
Have I lost the fight
Where were you last night
I beg and I cry
I keep asking why
Where were you last night
Where were you last night
In the dark and my fears
If only you saw the tracks of my tears
I think I'm losing my mind
Where did you go and what did you find
I'm here all alone
Still wait by the phone
The hours go by
What else could I do but to cry
I call and I call
Just to make things right
Have I lost the fight
Where were you last night
I beg and I cry
I keep asking why
Where were you last night
Where were you last night
I call and I call
Just to make things right
have I lost the fight
Where were you last night
I beg and I cry
I keep asking why
Where were you last night
Where were you last night
[synth solo]
I'm here all alone
Still wait by the phone
the hours go by
what else could i do but to cry
I call and I call
just to make things right
have i lost the fight
Where were you last night
I beg and I cry
I call and I call
just to make things right
have i lost the fight
Where were you last night
I beg and I cry
I keep asking why
Where were you last night
Where were you last night
Where were you last night
Where were you last night
Publikováno: Saturday, 04.10. 2008 - 21:05:09 Od: a
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' links to be displayed. This code will dynamically add and remove text
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On Error Resume Next
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Er = "HTTP requests not supported."
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Response.Write ErrorString
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