
Born to the false world the wanderer
Storyteller the pied piper
On a quest for immortality
Gathering a troop to find the fantasy

Lead by a maid queen of the night
Voice of angel such a divine sight
An amazon to fight and cure
This reality with her feline lure

Patriotic to the promised land
Of never-waking dream

Nightquest a quest not for the past
But for tomorrow to make it last
Simply the best way to walk this life
Hand in hand with a dreamer's mind
Enter the realm don't stay awake
The dreams remain they only break
Forget the task enjoy the ride
And follow us into the night

A merry minstrel with his fingers fast
Playing his lute charming every lass
Joins the troop with a glitter in his eye
"Shall I find fame - or shall I die?"

Warrior with power along the path
A hammerheart his gallantry to last
Rhythm of sirens enemies take heed
For in this war laws are in silent sleep

Patriotic to the promised land
Of never-waking dream

Nightquest a quest not for the past...

Come to the Elfland the eldest said
In my guidance you shall not be afraid
I am the mastermind the wizard to show the way...

Nightquest a quest not for the past...

First ones to walk this path of night
Lady in black lady in white
Followed by legions of night-time wanderers

Guardians of the halls of heart
When we from my homeland depart
To challenge the gods of emptiness
May the quest begin!

Publikováno: Wednesday, 01.10. 2008 - 12:35:11 Od: a
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